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Software Defined Radios

Software Defined Radios are RF transceivers that enable rapid prototyping and deployment of advanced wireless applications. SDRs are used for wireless communications, deploying signals intelligence systems, or as building blocks for multichannel test beds.

See how the NI Ettus USRP X410 is used in advanced wireless systems

The NI Ettus USRP X410 is a high-performance, high-channel-count software defined radio. 3dB Labs used the NI Ettus USRP X410 with open-source software to enable advanced signals intelligence capability.

SDRs for Any Application

The Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) devices are software defined radios that you can use in a variety of applications—with varying requirements—so NI offers many options so that you can choose the right radio for you.

Open-Source and Flexible Software Workflows

No matter your development tool preferences, you can be confident in USRP hardware, which is compatible with the broadest range of software workflows on the market. You can choose LabVIEW for a unified, dataflow programming style or use the open-source driver with support for C, C++, MathWorks MATLAB®, GNU Radio, and more.


Stand-alone or computer-based devices either integrate with standard desktop and laptop computers or allow you to use them without the need for other modular hardware.

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USRP Software Defined
Radio Device

Provides a software-defined RF architecture to rapidly design, prototype, and deploy wireless systems with custom signal processing.
Feature Highlights:

Bus: Ethernet, USB

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USRP Software Defined Radio Stand-Alone Device

Provides deterministic control of transceivers using an onboard FPGA and processor for rapidly prototyping high-performance wireless communications systems.
Feature Highlights:

Bus: Ethernet

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Software Defined Radio Device Bundle

The Software Defined Radio Device Bundle helps students experiment with real-world signals using LabVIEW software and USRP hardware.

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